“I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10
Subject Lead - Miss A Wilson
The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:
- develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics,
- develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them,
- are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
At St John’s, we fully recognise Science as a core subject across key stages one and two and value its importance in the EYFS curriculum through developing children’s Knowledge of the world. As a Catholic school, we believe that learning about and being respectful towards the world that God created for us, is of upmost importance. We set a good example to the children and always promote respect for the environment during every lesson we teach. In our Science Curriculum, we aim to ensure all pupils develop lively, enquiring minds and the ability to question. We want our children to develop scientific skills and acquire appropriate knowledge with progression throughout the Key Stages. It is our intent that our children build on their natural curiosity; enabling them to understand and care for the world in which they live.
Our science curriculum is planned carefully to ensure that it addresses the National Curriculum. Lessons are timetabled and taught weekly in key stage one and two, usually by the class teacher. There is a clear curriculum map following the National Curriculum programme of study which sets out the skills and knowledge covered, demonstrating exactly how the children progress throughout the year, keystage and school. This provides our children with wide exposure to scientific knowledge and concepts, whilst promoting the sustainable exploration of the world in which they live. There are numerous opportunities to observe and question; to explore and investigate; to predict; to use equipment safely; plan, conduct and reflect on investigations. Opportunities for cross curricular learning are used whenever possible, however we use ‘stand alone’ investigations to ensure full coverage of the curriculum and development of key skills.
Children are encouraged to use scientific vocabulary, both written and verbal, to explain their ideas and make sense of their observations and findings. Wider opportunities to promote the love of science are made available with additional opportunities such as STEM work, eco-club and science clubs.
As a result of our curriculum, children at St John’s Catholic Primary develop a love of science and an increased understanding of the impact that the subject can have on their own and others’ lives. They can demonstrate a clear progression of knowledge and skills in Science and have an understanding of how Science can be used to benefit society. Our teaching ensures that they become resourceful learners who develop independent thinking and questioning skills by the time they leave our school and they go to secondary school with a good scientific knowledge on which to base their deeper learning. In addition, our children also develop an understanding of the importance of caring for the environment sustainably on a variety of levels, including in their own locality and in relation to communities around the world.