Welcome to our Reception page!
We will be sharing photos of special events below.
Please read the curriculum newsletter each term to see what we will be learning in Reception.
The seven areas of learning
In the Early Years Foundation Stage there are 7 areas which make up the curriculum.
The 3 prime areas:
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The 4 specific areas:
- Literacy
- Maths
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts and Design
Prime areas of development and learning lay vital foundations in the early years.
The three Prime areas, Personal, social and emotional development (PSED), Communication and language (CL), and Physical development (PD), describe universal core aspects of early child development. They are time-sensitive because of biological factors that enable rapid brain connections, particularly in the first three years of life but continuing throughout early childhood.
Specific areas of learning and development provide children with knowledge and skills to flourish in society.
The Specific areas, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world, and Expressive arts and design, are not time-sensitive in terms of the brain’s biological responsiveness to experiences. The Specific areas represent crucial shared cultural tools and knowledge, which babies and children engage in as members of the society in which they live.
Curriculum Newsletters
Medium Term Plans
Reception homework
Phonics homework
A piece of Little Wandle Phonics homework will be sent home on Friday and will be collected in on Wednesday morning. The homework set is based on the learning that has taken place during the week. Please complete the homework sheet in your child's homework book and ask your child's Class Teacher if you require any support.
The book your child has been given has been chosen to suit their phonics level, following their Little Wandle phonics assessment. Please read these books regularly and write a short comment in your child’s Reading Record book.
Please practise the tricky words as often as possible!
Your child has an individual log in for Numbots which you will find in their reading diary. Please remember to use Numbots and encourage your child to have fun with maths!
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching is founded in Scripture and includes statements and letters written by Church leaders. It offers wisdom and insights on living the Gospel in today’s world. Jesus tells us to love God and to love our neighbours, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty. Catholic Social Teaching is our moral compass, guiding us on how to live out our faith in the world. At St John's we introduce our children to Catholic Social Teaching through 9 mascots.
Luc the Deer - Human Dignity (Everyone is special)
Chikondi the Giraffe - The Common Good (Thinking of everyone)
Patariki the Penguin - Participation (Taking part)
Sid the Sheep - Subsidiarity (Everyone should have a say)
Sofia the Sloth - Stewardship (Caring for God's gifts)
Poppy the Popokotea - Preferential Option for the Poor (Putting people most in need first)
Shristi the Sun bear - Solidarity - (Showing we care)
DJ the Dolphin - Distributive Justice (Sharing fairly)
Daisy the Dove - Promoting Peace (Being peacemakers)
Visit the CAFOD website to find our more about Catholic Social Teaching.