“I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10
RE Subject Lead -Mrs Kirwan-Barry
At the heart of St John’s Catholic Primary School, is the person of Jesus Christ. The message of the Gospel is central to our school- it permeates all aspects of our school life; it is essential to our view of education and underlies all that we do. We actively promote the development of the whole person, where all children are encouraged to reach their full potential. I have come that you may have life and have it to the full’ (John 10:10)
The school provides an educational framework within which our children can grow in their relationship with Christ, in a way that takes account of their individual human development. We also recognise that children in our care may be non-Catholic or from other faiths and therefore at different stages in their faith journey. We aim to help each child discover God through their life experiences, to come to know, love and serve Him; to develop a personal relationship with God in their daily lives.
Curriculum Religious Education Programmes of study must comply with:
- Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) for Catholic Schools and Colleges, Bishops' Conference of England and Wales 2012;
- Religious Education in Catholic Schools, Bishops' Conference of England and Wales (2000);
From Nursery to Year 6 all children will follow our religion syllabus. The scheme of work entitled ‘The Way, The Truth, The Life’ provides an overview of topics and objectives for each year group. It is used as a resource but developed further by teachers in order to meet the needs of their children and the requirements of the New Age-Related Standards (3-19) document. Planning for the teaching of RE is carried out in year groups, with each year group planning a topic plan for each of the six terms of the school year.
Prayer is fundamental to our relationship with God. We provide our children with opportunities to pray formally, spontaneously and have time to reflect. Collective worship takes place daily in a number of forms: assembly, Masses, hymn singing and class prayer time. Mass is celebrated once a week, either in our school or at our local parish chapel – St Mary’s, Denton. Parents, carers and friends are invited to all Masses.
The impact of the school’s teaching of religion occurs both informally and formally. The children’s religious learning journey is apparent through discussion and written work and comments/reflections provided in their RE books. Each class also has a Big Book where post-it notes, creative artwork, writing and photographs are recorded and their developing relationship with God is celebrated. Summative assessment is based on assessment against the progress descriptors embedded in the New Age-Related Standards (3-19) document.
We, at St John’s Catholic Primary School, promote service to others. We support work in the community for those who are less fortunate and encourage the children in our care to think about others. We donate to local and national charities. We believe in moral training for the children in our care so that when they leave us, they are ready to take their place in society.
Examples of our learning in EYFS
Coming soon. . .
Examples of our learning in KS1
Coming soon. . .
Examples of our learning in KS2
Coming soon. . .